Dr. Matthew Whim

LSU HSC New Orleans

We study autonomic plasticity and the regulation of blood glucose levels

Lab Website: https://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/cell_biology/faculty_detail.aspx?name=whim_matthew

Contact: mwhim@lsuhsc.edu

Dr. Jill Daniel

Tulane University

The broad goal of our research is to understand mechanisms by which estrogens and androgens impact areas of the brain important for cognition.

Lab Website: https://www.daniellabtulane.com/

Contact: jmdaniel@tulane.edu

Dr. Laura A Schrader

Tulane University

We use a combination of electrophysiology, behavior and molecular techniques to understand changes in neural circuitry that may underlie behavioral effect.

Contact: schrader@tulane.edu

Dr. Scott Edwards

LSU HSC New Orleans

We investigate the neurobiology of alcohol use disorder and related co-morbidities taking a translational approach across rodents, non-human primates, and humans.

Lab Website: https://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/physiology/faculty_detail.aspx?name=Edwards_Scott

Contact: sedwa5@lsuhsc.edu

Dr. Elliott Beaton

University of New Orleans

We use a multimodal research approach (eg. MRI, physiology, hormones, immunology) to understand how stress contributes to the etiopathology of mental illness in high-risk populations of children and adults.

Lab Website: https://unoscanlab.com/

Contact: ebeaton@uno.edu

Dr. Jeff Tasker

Tulane University

We use patch clamp electrophysiology, circuit analysis, molecular biology and behavioral approaches to study neuromodulation and neuroplasticity of synaptic circuits in the hypothalamus and amygdala that control physiological, behavioral and pathological responses to stress and trauma.

Lab Website: https://taskerlab.tulane.edu/

Contact: tasker@tulane.edu