Dr. Chunlai Wu

LSU HSC New Orleans

My research focuses on the molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic structural plasticity, in the context of neural development, activity-driven synaptic remodeling, as well as learning and memory.

Lab Website: https://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/neuroscience/faculty_detail.aspx?name=wu_chunlai

Contact: cwu@lsuhsc.edu

Dr. Julie Markant

Tulane University

Our research examines the idea that attention and memory are functionally integrated early in life and that the development of selective attention contributes to improvements in learning and memory.

Lab Website: https://lbdlab.tulane.edu/

Contact: lbdlab@tulane.edu

Dr. Elliott Beaton

University of New Orleans

We use a multimodal research approach (eg. MRI, physiology, hormones, immunology) to understand how stress contributes to the etiopathology of mental illness in high-risk populations of children and adults.

Lab Website: https://unoscanlab.com/

Contact: ebeaton@uno.edu

Dr. Debra Karhson

University of New Orleans

I study the neurobiology and neural mechanisms of social learning using EEG and molecular biology techniques such as mass spectrometry.

Contact: dkarhson@uno.edu