Dr. Scott Edwards
LSU HSC New Orleans
We investigate the neurobiology of alcohol use disorder and related co-morbidities taking a translational approach across rodents, non-human primates, and humans.
Lab Website: https://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/physiology/faculty_detail.aspx?name=Edwards_Scott
Contact: sedwa5@lsuhsc.edu
Dr. Debra Karhson
University of New Orleans
I study the neurobiology and neural mechanisms of social learning using EEG and molecular biology techniques such as mass spectrometry.
Contact: dkarhson@uno.edu
Dr. Laura A Schrader
Tulane University
We use a combination of electrophysiology, behavior and molecular techniques to understand changes in neural circuitry that may underlie behavioral effect.
Contact: schrader@tulane.edu
Dr. Chunlai Wu
LSU HSC New Orleans
My research focuses on the molecular mechanisms underlying synaptic structural plasticity, in the context of neural development, activity-driven synaptic remodeling, as well as learning and memory.
Lab Website: https://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/neuroscience/faculty_detail.aspx?name=wu_chunlai
Contact: cwu@lsuhsc.edu
Dr. Rajani Maiya
LSU HSC New Orleans
We study molecular mechanisms that underlie Alcohol Use Disorders
Lab Website: www.maiyalab.org
Contact: rmaiya@lsuhsc.edu
Dr. Tiffany Wills
LSU HSC New Orleans
Wills lab studies sex differences in neuroadaptations (primarily within the extended amygdala) and resulting behavioral changes from adolescent alcohol exposure using electrophysiological, behavioral, and molecular techniques.
Lab Website: http://willslab.org/
Contact: twills@lsuhsc.edu
Dr. Elizabeth Avegno
LSU HSC New Orleans
My research is focused on characterizing midbrain-extended amygdala circuitry, as well as alterations in these regions as a consequence of alcohol exposure across the lifespan, at the anatomical, physiological, and behavioral level.
Contact: eavegn@lsuhsc.edu
Dr. Matthew Whim
LSU HSC New Orleans
We study autonomic plasticity and the regulation of blood glucose levels
Lab Website: https://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/cell_biology/faculty_detail.aspx?name=whim_matthew
Contact: mwhim@lsuhsc.edu
Dr. Fern Tsien
LSU HSC New Orleans
We are studying the effect of chemotherapy on neuroinflammation gene expression in pediatric cancer patients and the genetics of sensironeural hearing loss.
Contact: fmille@lsuhsc.edu
Dr. Kevin Zwezdaryk
Tulane University
Role of pathogens and aging on cognitive function
Contact: kzwezdar@tulane.edu
Dr. Xiaoying Wang
Tulane University SOM
Neuro-protection and neuro-repair mechanisms and therapeutic strategy development for stroke and traumatic brain injury
Contact: xwang51@tulane.edu
Dr. Amanda Pahng
LSU HSC New Orleans/ VA
My primary research interest is investigating the neurobiology and interactive nature of chronic pain and opioid misuse.
Contact: apahng@lsuhsc.edu
Dr. Hai Huang
Tulane University
We aim to understand the synaptic mechanisms that support reliable and precise synaptic transmission in the auditory system under physiological and pathological conditions.
Contact: hhuang5@tulane.edu
Dr. Ricardo Mostany
Tulane University
Our lab studies how aging and neurodegenerative disorders affect synaptic plasticity of cortical neurons using imaging, electrophysiology, behavior, and molecular techniques.
Lab Website: https://mostanylab.tulane.edu/
Contact: rmostany@tulane.edu
Dr. Tracy Fischer
Tulane National Primate Research Center
Our lab investigates neuropathogenesis of viral infections and neurodegenerative disease associated with chronic inflammation.
Contact: tfischer1@tulane.edu
Dr. Xiaolin Tian
Using fly and mouse model to understand dopaminergic regulation of aging and how the gene Mask/ANKHD1 altered cellular properties of dopaminergic neurons that leads to behavioral changes in animals.
Lab Website: https://www.medschool.lsuhsc.edu/neuroscience/xiaolian_tian.aspx
Contact: xtian@lsuhsc.edu
Dr. Jeff Tasker
Tulane University
We use patch clamp electrophysiology, circuit analysis, molecular biology and behavioral approaches to study neuromodulation and neuroplasticity of synaptic circuits in the hypothalamus and amygdala that control physiological, behavioral and pathological responses to stress and trauma.
Lab Website: https://taskerlab.tulane.edu/
Contact: tasker@tulane.edu
Dr. Sonia Gasparini
We use electrophysiology and imaging to study information and memory processing in vitro.
Contact: sgaspa1@lsuhsc.edu
Dr. Jill Daniel
Tulane University
The broad goal of our research is to understand mechanisms by which estrogens and androgens impact areas of the brain important for cognition.
Lab Website: https://www.daniellabtulane.com/
Contact: jmdaniel@tulane.edu